Christmas is almost upon us once again, and while it’s deservedly the season to be merry, it is also a time when we most tend to overindulge.
As a leading cancer prevention charity, Killing Cancer Kindly wants to help you stay fit and disease-free for longer. One of our core messages is the risks that can come through over-indulgence so it is especially important to highlight this again now.
We’re not party poopers, though, so we’re unwrapping our guidance by providing a science-backed spin on the classic 12 Days of Christmas carol. It provides recommendations on what to eat, drink, and do so you stay healthy not just during the festive period but year-round.
On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
A glass of milk that’s additive-free.
(One cup of organic grass fed cow milk and no more per day)
Why one cup ?
My love? I ask
Why a glass ? And not a flask ?
And my true love answered:
Many studies including a review published in the highly prestigious medical journal “The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)” have shown that consuming two or more glasses of milk are associated with a higher risk of some cancers, for example Breast, Ovarian and Prostate cancer. This is probably due to an abundance of growth promoting factors in milk (remember it’s meant to grow a calf into a cow), which are used by cancer cells to grow. Milk would not cause cancer (unless it has chemicals added to it as part of preservative or adulteration process) but can help existing cancer cells grow faster. The studies were conducted in adults and hence it is assumed that the risk is not confirmed for youngsters who are in a growing age. Studies among pregnant and lactating (breast feeding) women are also lacking at present.
To be safe an adult should keep their dairy intake to one serving of milk or equivalent dairy products, per day. Healthier options, instead of milk, include non-fortified dairy alternatives such as Soya milk, Oat milk, Almond milk etc and products made from them (for example non-dairy cheese or yogurt)
Last but not the least, my true love also checked my lactose tolerance status. Majority of the world population (65-70%) cannot digest the lactose sugar in milk and end up with bloating and other bowel symptoms. The undigested lactose is consumed by the gut bacteria and the resultant bacterial overgrowth upsets the bowel. My true love sent a carton of lactose free milk as an alternative in case I was lactose intolerant.
On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
(Two boxes of coffee, organic, Arabica, free of chemicals and preservatives)
Aww! that’s awesome,
I smile and say
Two boxes of coffee
To unbox on “Boxing Day!”
But why coffee and not tea my love ? I asked.
To which my love replied:
Multiple medical studies including a combined analysis of 37 publications has shown that coffee is good for health and can reduce the risk of Breast, Pancreatic and Liver cancer. Tea on the other hand has shown benefit in killing cancer cells in the lab but studies done on humans has yet to show a strong link to cancer prevention.
Coffee contains Chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant, that neutralises chemicals and molecules which damage cells and their DNA. Think of it as a detoxing agent neutralising toxins.
Chemicals found in coffee can also keep the levels of glucose and insulin low in the body, increases sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) a protein that does what its name suggests (binds free roaming sex hormones). All of these, glucose, insulin and sex hormones act as growth factors for many cancer types. Keeping their levels low can help reduce growth of cancer cells.
Coffee also helps the liver to breakdown some cancer promoting hormones, lowers the levels of C-Peptide and Adiponectin, two chemicals which increase body fat and hence helps prevent obesity.
Last but not the least beneficial chemicals found in coffee suppress new blood vessel formation by existing cancer cells (a process known as Angiogenesis) and helps the body kill pre-cancerous cells by a process of natural programmed cell death known as Apoptosis.
On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
(Three types of wild caught fish Salmon, Trout and Tuna)
“That’s a fishy gift to give”, said I
“No shark or swordfish, I wonder why?”
“Aha, I’m glad you asked”, he said
“And here’s the reason for what I did!”
As per the recommendation of many health experts including the American Heart Association (AHA), eating fish like salmon, trout and tuna which have high omega 3 fatty acids levels is beneficial for your health.
As for shark and swordfish (along with king mackerel and tilefish), they have higher levels of mercury contamination and are best avoided.
Wild caught fish taste better than farm raised ones because they have a varied diet. They are also leaner, with more proteins and less fat because they move more than the farmed fish confined to a growth tank.
I could have also brought you cod, herring, Mahi-mahi, perch, sardines, pollock or sea bass (all rich in Omega 3), he added, but I am saving them as a fishy surprise for Valentine’s Day.
On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Four chicken eggs
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
(Four eggs for the week ,organic, free range from grain-fed birds)
Four? Only four?
Why no more?
Can I ask? if I may,
On this Eve of Innocent’s Day,
Was buying 12 a bit too much?
You meanie, miser, tight-fisted grouch?
To which my love, winked and smiled
As you would to a whining child,
“Your tantrums make me love you more,
Here’s the reason, I brought you four.”
A collective analysis of 32 studies on egg consumption (A systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-analysis of Prospective Studies) published in 2022 showed that increased egg consumption in adults was associated with a higher risk of cancer mortality. This included an Italian study published in the European Journal of Nutrition which had shown that the risk increases when more than four eggs are consumed in a week.
So it’s better to have egg free days and keep the intake to no more than four eggs a week.
“So don’t be sad”
My true love said,
“On Easter Day
I’ll bring you more
But in a week
Eat only four.”
On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Five-a-day golden rule
Four chicken eggs
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
(Five fruits from an organic farm for the golden rule of five a day)
“Should have known”
Said I with scorn,
Now he will say
“Eat five a day.”
And I was right, that is what my true love said, based on the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendation (and promoted by the NHS) that having five portions (400 grams) of fruit and vegetables a day lowers the risk of heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer.
Fruits and vegetables are a good source of natural vitamins and minerals and also contain antioxidants which are antidotes to many toxic chemicals that can damage our cells.
It’s best to have a variety of fruits and vegetables that are grown naturally and free of preservatives, chemicals and pesticides. If in doubt wash them well before eating and take the skin off as most chemicals get lodged in their outermost layer.
On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Six packs of pink salt
Five-a-day golden rule
Four chicken eggs
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free
(Six packs of pink Himalayan salt)
Oh my sweetheart !
Pink Himalayan Salt?
Could you have not
Bought some sea salt
From the local mart, and halt?
My true love said
With a pat on my head,
From the sea
My lovely girl
I will get thee
A beautiful pearl
But the salt
That I bought
Is the best
Among the rest
Salt is a common and essential cooking item and its importance in our diet is often overlooked.
The healthiest choice is to use pink Himalayan rock salt and avoid sea salt.
There are reports of sea salt contamination with micro-plastics (fragments of any type of plastic less than 5 mm in length). Some of the studies have shown that up to 90% or more varieties of sea salt are contaminated with micro-plastics.
Pink Himalayan salt is a variety of rock salt which has been mined from the mountains in Pakistan since the time of Alexander the Great (320 BC). Legend has it that it was in fact discovered by Alexander the Great’s horse, named Bucephalus. During Alexander’s campaign in India (present day Pakistan) the horse stopped to lick the rocks and refused to move. Alexander dismounted and checked the rocks himself by licking them (hopefully not the ones that the horse was licking) and discovered one of the greatest deposits of rock salt in the world which has not run out of supply after more than 2,300 years of continuous mining. The salt is natural and pristine without any contaminations or additives and hence makes an excellent choice for all kinds of culinary use. Last but not the least, Pink Himalayan Salt is not very expensive and as salt is to be used sparingly, it doesn’t cost a lot to buy a whole year’s supply.
On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Seven jokes-a-telling
Six packs of pink salt
Five-a-day golden rule
Four chicken eggs
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
(Chin up with our very own in-house, seven seconds “MK technique” to stop sadness)
Cheer up, Chin up,
My little buttercup,
Count seven Mississippi
And you will be very happy!
Mental health is quite essential for physical wellbeing. When we are sad, stressed or depressed our body secretes stress hormones like cortisol which lower our immune system’s ability to fight diseases. Our team at Killing Cancer Kindly (which includes a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist) have worked with Dr Khan to discover an ancient and effective hack to preserve happiness. It’s called the MK technique and is quite easy and simple to use.
Look up for seven seconds (we found this to be the optimum time) if you are feeling low and in most cases you will stop feeling sad.
The science behind it is simple. When we look down our mind tends to get in touch with our emotions, looking sideways it focuses on sounds and looking up it gets connected to images, visions and tends to make plans. You can find a full video dedicated to this technique and the scientific explanation on our YouTube channel, Killing Cancer Kindly with Dr Khan.
And there are other ways to pursue happiness, having a laugh with friends and family, watching a funny movie or standup comedy, reading humorous literature or entertaining yourself with social media.
However the MK technique and other methods describe above are a temporary, short term quick fix. If you have persistent and recurrent symptoms of sadness that are not helped by such simple measures, it is advisable to seek professional help and treatment.
Ah, and I just remembered
Day Seven of Christmas is the last day of the year
Happy New Year’s Eve!
It’s the last part
Of this year,
Have a new start
With love and cheer!
On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Eight fills of water
Seven jokes-a-telling
Six packs of pink salt
Five-a-day golden rule
Four chicken eggs
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
Eight is a sign of eternity and water is the eternal source of sustaining life.
Eight glasses of pure mineral water form natural springs is an excellent way to keep hydrated and staying healthy.
We often take it for granted and don’t drink enough. On a hot and humid day we might need more than eight glasses
Speaking of glass, it’s the best material to store water and food as glass containers do not react with the contents keeping them in their natural form. No wonder scientists have used glass beakers for mixing chemicals over the centuries.
And what a good way to start the new year with a healthy hydrated body, especially if you have been partying hard last night.
Speaking of new beginnings the 8th day of Christmas is also the first day of the new year.
And this is what my true love had to say
Here’s a prayer
For thy new year,
May every wish
And every want,
Thee my love,
Thy Lord shall grant!
Happy New Year,
My Love, My Dear!
On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Nine potted plants
Eight fills of water
Seven jokes-a-telling
Six packs of pink salt
Five-a-day golden rule
Four chicken eggs
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
(Nine pretty potted plants of herbs and chilli peppers)
Really ?!?!
I’ve heard of flowers
And bouquets,
But potted plants?
Are odd I say!
But true love said
In my defence,
Please read the following
And it will make sense:
Peppermint, Parsley, Coriander and Chillies have all shown multiple health benefits.
.They are easy to grow in pots which can be kept on a window sill to provide a fresh supply for cooking and salads.
Peppermint has positive effects on the heart and lungs. It helps widen the air passages (bronchodilator), relaxes muscles, improves digestion, prevents sickness, reduces bowel spasms and irritation.
Parsley a mediterranean herb is full of antioxidants that help detox the body, vitamins including vitamin K and natural antibacterial chemicals.
Coriander contains essential oils which can kill bacteria. It also has many vitamins such as Vitamin A, Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pantothenic acid (B5), Vitamin B6, Folate (Vitamin B9), Vitamins C, E and K along with minerals such as Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium and Zinc, all of which are essential for a healthy body.
Chilli peppers are also loaded with health promoting chemicals such as Capsaicin which is being used as a pain killer. Studies have shown that eating chillies can help lose weight, reduce the risk of heart disease(research provided by AHA, American Heart Association), reduce inflammation and also reduce the risk of cancer.
On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Ten tins of spices
Nine potted plants
Eight fills of water
Seven jokes-a-telling
Six packs of pink salt
Five-a-day golden rule
Four chicken eggs
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
(Ten tins of exotic spice. Two tins each of Turmeric, Cumin, Ginger, Cinnamon and Cardamom)
Exotic spices
From far-off lands,
Picked for thee
By expert hands!
Turmeric contains, among other compounds, a chemical called Curcumin, which has shown protective effects against pancreatic and prostate cancer. In addition it has potential as a cancer treatment agent because it modulates various signalling molecules involved in the growth and survival of cells. Curcumin also has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiparasitic, pro-apoptotic and pro-healing effects.
Cumin a popular cooking spice has antioxidant effects and research has shown its benefits in weight loss, cholesterol control, stress management and prevention of diabetes.
Ginger helps reduce inflammation, prevents nausea especially seasickness, motion sickness and morning sickness in pregnancy (which is very helpful because some anti sickness drugs can affect foetal development). Experimental studies have shown that ginger and its active components including 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol exert anticancer activities against Gastrointestinal tract cancers by modulating cell growth regulating proteins.
Cinnamon has been used for centuries for anointing, embalming and treating ailments. Research has shown it to have antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and anticancer effects. It also helps enhance cognition and could play a role in treating Alzheimer’s disease.
Cardamom prevents obesity, improves glucose tolerance, inflammation and oxidative stress in liver.
On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Eleven minutes of exercise
Ten tins of spices
Nine potted plants
Eight fills of water
Seven jokes-a-telling
Six packs of pink salt
Five-a-day golden rule
Four chicken eggs
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
(Eleven minutes of exercise to improve your life expectancy)
May you live,
A life that’s long,
Stay thee young
Be thee strong.
Research has long shown the benefits of exercise in improving life expectancy but a recent study published in the British Journal of Medicine (BMJ) reports that people who undertook about eleven minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise a day were less likely to die than those who only got about two minutes of exercise per day. The authors studied more than 44000 men and women from four countries (Norway, Sweden, USA and UK) and observed them from 4 to 14.5 years. Exercising more than eleven minutes a day obviously provides a further improvement in life expectancy. 30-40 minutes per day gives optimum results. The exercises can be as simple as brisk walking, running or push ups. My personal favourites are hiking and swimming but any simple exercise regimen for eleven minutes or more per day can prolong your life.
.On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Twelve tips for long life
Eleven minutes of exercise
Ten tins of spices
Nine potted plants
Eight fills of water
Seven jokes-a-telling
Six packs of pink salt
Five-a-day golden rule
Four chicken eggs
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
.And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
(Twelve Tips to stay young and live a miraculously healthy life)
Day twelve it is,
A special day
So sing and dance
Go out and play,
Life can be busy
So let’s make it easy,
Stay young, live long
Just sing this song.
Day 12 is the day of Epiphany, the day when the Magi visited, the day when Jesus was baptised and also the day when he turned water into wine at a wedding (in Cana).
So on this special day the gift has to be truly special too.
And here it is, twelve tips for staying younger and living longer:
1. Get good sleep each night to recharge your batteries, retain your youth and beauty (they don’t call it beauty sleep for nothing) and boost your immunity.
2. Wake up and catch the early sunlight to kick start your circadian rhythm and help generate high levels of Melatonin (a potent antioxidant detox chemical) in the cells.
3. Get your vitamins and other nutrients from natural sources for example fruits and vegetables.
4. Avoid synthetic supplements and multivitamins unless prescribed by a doctor. Studies have shown that unnecessary use of multivitamins are either not beneficial or can cause harm to our bodies with some studies showing that they can increase the risk of cancers.
5. Cook and eat fresh food and produce.
6. Go for walks on regular basis. Our body is designed to walk and we should not deny it’s natural right.
7. Open the windows in your house for some time every day. This helps ventilation and gets rid of a toxic radioactive gas called Radon which is released from the core of our planet and accumulates in unventilated areas. Radon gas is an established risk factor for lung cancer.
8. Reduce Alcohol intake. This will lower your blood pressure, reduce stress on the liver, preserve your brain cells and reduce the risk of cancers.
9. Quit smoking if you do and stay away from second hand smoke. It will reduce your risk of cancer; help you stay younger and live longer.
10. Spend time with loved ones, family and friends, this has shown to help people stay healthier and live longer.
11. Cut down on empty carbs such as refined sugar and consume sweets as they are meant to be taken, as a treat and not a “five a day” routine. Have natural sources of sweets instead like honey and fruits.
12. Be happy and find ways to stay happy. If suffering from any mental health issues please don’t ignore them and seek professional help and advice. There is a strong link between mental and physical wellbeing which should not be ignored.
Wishing you and your loved ones , a life full of love, happiness, health and success. (Amen)
.Killing Cancer Kindly’s Christmas Carol (Sing-Song Version)
(A cumulative song inspired by the traditional Christmas Carol first published in 1780 AD)
On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
A glass of milk that’s additive-free.
On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Four chicken eggs
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Five-a-day golden rule
Four chicken eggs
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Six packs of pink salt
Five-a-day golden rule
Four chicken eggs
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Seven jokes-a-telling
Six packs of pink salt
Five-a-day golden rule
Four chicken eggs
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Eight fills of water
Seven jokes-a-telling
Six packs of pink salt
Five-a-day golden rule
Four chicken eggs
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Nine potted plants
Eight fills of water
Seven jokes-a-telling
Six packs of pink salt
Five-a-day golden rule
Four chicken eggs
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Ten tins of spices
Nine potted plants
Eight fills of water
Seven jokes-a-telling
Six packs of pink salt
Five-a-day golden rule
Four chicken eggs
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Eleven minutes of exercise
Ten tins of spices
Nine potted plants
Eight fills of water
Seven jokes-a-telling
Six packs of pink salt
Five-a-day golden rule
Four chicken eggs
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
Twelve tips for long life
Eleven minutes of exercise
Ten tins of spices
Nine potted plants
Eight fills of water
Seven jokes-a-telling
Six packs of pink salt
Five-a-day golden rule
Four chicken eggs
Three types of fish
Two cups of coffee
And a glass of milk that’s additive-free.