Understanding Cancer Stages
Cancer staging describes how far a cancer has spread. It helps determine treatment options and prognosis.
Overview of Staging
Staging often occurs after diagnosis. Most systems classify cancer into stages 0 through 4. Some key points:
- Stage 0 means the cancer is confined to its original location. This is also known as carcinoma in situ (cis) or tumor in situ (tis).
- Stages 1 and 2 are usually confined to the organ of origin too.
- Stage 3 is often locally advanced and may involve regional lymph nodes.
- Stage 4 is metastatic disease which has spread to other organs in the body for example breast cancer which has spread to the bones.
- There is no official stage 5 for most cancers, but a rare childhood tumor of kidneys known as Nephroblastoma is an exception and has a stage 5 (when the tumor is found in bothering kidneys).